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My Magazine
09th September 2019 - 30th September 2019
I took art for my GCSE’s, I created a mixed media piece that was centred around Donald Trump. I used spray paints, lino prints, crafting paper and acrylics. For my second year of college I studied level 2 art, I focused more onto mixed media rather than still life or perspective art. I enjoyed creating 3D models of a desk that had three components (two cabinets and a stool) , which helped me understand create different components for one thing. For a long time role, I would like to go to university studying media, I’m still yet to choose a path that I’m interested in.
For this project I'm planning on creating a fashion magazine which is based around the website depop. I plan on researching about why people sell items in that community, creating a questionnaire which circulates around the website and I plan on taking a lot of photographs to make sure that I've got the best images.

Example of a double page spread
Colour pallet are matching the cars, white black and grey. By doing this is it isn’t too much for the eyes to take in, it makes the page more calm and easy to read. However they have some concepts of red and yellow, this helps show important information on the cars.
Fonts are simple, they have three main fonts used and by doing this it doesn’t distract from the images. The layout of the fonts move around the centre piece and the shape of the car. The title and some other parts are overlapping the cars to make them stand out.
The composition of this page is asymmetrical, as there are four images on the top right, but there is only one image on the far left. The text is also heavier on the left side of the images as there’s more room to have the text there. The centre piece really stands out as it is a slick image of the car. There is a beam of yellow under the title, which adds depth to the image as well as the title.
The images easily explain what the spread is about, this makes it easier to understand quickly whilst the images are still eye catching.
The use of language is very formal, it is obvious what the spread is about by making the title “GTR’s NEXT MOVE”. By using this language it attracts young adults who are interested in
Japanese cars to feel more engaged.
The colours are very minimalistic with the text and background. However the colours of the images are very consistent and it attracts your eyes as the colours are bright and vivid.
The font used are calligraphy, which adds elegance to the spread.
This is aimed for people who wants to wrap their cars, as it has a title of “custom paint”
The placements of the images aren’t scattered around, they’re in a neat formation which makes the spread more formal, the ratio of images and text aren’t similar as the images counteract the text.

Health and safety within a media environment
Avoid water, this can damage the camera because it is full of wires and technical mechanics. If the camera does get water in it, make sure to turn it off and remove the batteries, cards and lens. Then soak the camera in rice to get rid of the water.
Only use the appropriate batteries, this is because most batteries are designed to protect against overheating. Using different batteries can produce overheating which can damage the camera severely. Make sure to also remove batteries when not needed as it can prevent damage from battery leakage.
Check the condition of the cables, if the cables have been tampered with or damaged, it can cause an electricity malfunction and can give more power than needed causing the wires to blow or an outage.
Backdrops/green screen:
When setting up a green screen or backdrop make sure it is on a flat surface, because if it’s on an uneven surface it can fall and hurt someone. Make sure you follow instructions when setting up, not listening to instructions can lead to hazards.
Computers :
When using computers, make sure not to have an open drink around as you could spill it and cause the computer to break. When working long hours with a computer screen, make sure you have some glasses which can counteract the screens, this will prevent headaches and eye straining.

Magazine analysis

House style
Tag line
Central image
Secondary image
Cover line
I would add a second image with the “face oil” text to help promote this feature. It would add more interest for an audience who is quickly flicking through, it also takes away from the text.
I would add a puff to promote other sections of the magazine, so it’s not just about starwars. I would also add a second image for the fall movie previews, this is because it will quickly show a preview and they can go to the page with the article and read it in more detail.
I would add more text on the right section as it is unbalanced, however the structure of her body makes the cover a bit easier to look at. I would also add a second image of a different artist, with that I would have a barcode which can be scanned for a special feature on social media, like a featured filter on snapchat.

I used the magic wand tool to remove the background and keep the foreground of the image. By using this tool I could also easily remove certain parts of the photograph that I don’t like. I also used the merge tool, I did this by moving another photo on top of the existing one and changing the opacity by 50. I also used the blemish tool to remove any imperfections on the photograph, by using this tool it leaves a smooth finish.
I used the rule of thirds on a majority of my photographs, for example the photograph with the two boys sat on the wall. The wall breaks up the darkness for the background, the two boys are against such a minimalistic background however it looks as if they’re blending in. I used rule of thirds on a photograph that was taken of me, this worked well as I was positioned right on the middle and either side of me had different things. Using the rule of thirds for my magazine works very well because it added a casual feel and it didn’t look too planned out.
What is the difference between a video Look Book and a fashion advert magazine spread? Which is most effective for targeting an audience? Why is this?
A look book is a short video consisting of different outfits and styles composed in a 1-3 minute video. Look books are advertised on different platforms of social media like snapchat and facebook. A fashion advert on a magazine spread will consist of texts and images. It’s a more practical thing, so if you wanted one you’d have to go to a shop and buy a magazine. In my opinion, I think the look book is the most effective as it can be seen from a lot of different platforms and it’s more accessible.