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professional practice

Bournemouth University

Media Production

3 years with 1 year of optional placement

First year in Bounemouth university would involve audio production, film and digital media design. The second year of the media production includes building your skills that you learnt from the first year, you also learn your way around media forms and platforms that conflict or reflects on the changes of media industries are currently going under. By the third year, you start to focus on your graduate production project, this involves all your skills put together to create something with the skills you learnt. 

This course looks good as it's all coursework and there is 24/7 access to all production facilities. This course is also good as the university has a strong reputation for being one of the best media course around the world.

Audio Production is the stage where the sound is synchronised with the video. This involves recording the audio that is right for the project. They also create sounds on films to enhance the volume and bring more effect in a subtle or intense way. 

Digital media design is the communication through movies, animation or special effects. They create these messages by creating effects, images and animation for film.


What skills must you have to become an art director?

You must be able to communicate well, manage a team of artist and be well known with relevant design soft ware. 

What experience do you need?

You need to have a bachelor's degree in design or graphic arts and at least 3 years experience.

What do they involve?

You need to manage details about the client, product and target audience. You'll need to produce storyboards to communicate ideas and work closely with the client to understand the idea they're wanting to have.

In media, I worked with a partner  when we were filming our lookbooks, we were filming during the half term, Georgia and I both had different locations to film at so Georgia chose to film at Thorpe park and I filmed in Halo. This split the work load as it was less costly and we could focus on our locations rather than worry about both of them.

What skills must you have to become a Production Designer?

You must have strong knowledge in visual arts and theories, the ability to communicate ideas through drawings and have a good sense of planning.

What experience do you need?

You'll need a good understanding of the art department, so have a wide range of skills from mix media, fine arts and digital arts. 

What do they involve?

5 year plan,

In five years time I want to go to Bournemouth university and receive a degree in Arts, once university has finished I want to take a year off for traveling around the world studying how different media is around the world, whilst doing this I want to create a series of short films exploring different cultures. After travelling, I want to go into the media department working at the production department, from that I want to become an art director.

What skills must you have to become a storyboard artist?

You should have an understatement of light and tone, and a good use of storytelling through visualisation, either by drawing or animation.

What experience do you need?

You'll need a story board artist degree, skill development which means practising drawing and software design. You'll also need to build a portfolio to present your work.

What do they involve?

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