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For this project, I am being asked to create a short video which is from thirty to sixty seconds long. This video is to advertise Stone Pillow, which is a charity for homeless people. Our videos must include either poems and stories written by the residents of stone pillow, it must also include facts and statistics and it needs to be entertaining. The advertisements must be targeted at 6-11 or 16-18, I will be choosing my target audience as 16-18. I am researching music videos and effects because I could take ideas like Juice WRLD's song bandit has the drawings for a split second and then it goes back to the video. This will help for my advertising because it means that I could take inspiration from my research and incorporate onto my work with my own style. Stone Pillow has requested that we should be influenced by Lyrical Lemonade because it is something our target audience would be a part of, 16 - 18 yearolds would listen to rappers like lil Xan, juice WRLD and lil skies.

My stone pillow project refers to issues in the real world by making sure it covers homelessness and mental health. I represent homelessness by putting make up on Jakob and I represent mental health by using drawn elements on the video. I've chosen to represent the issues of homelessness by adding making up and making sure that the clothes used are old and rundown. I represent the homelessness in a stereotype like in the media industry. They make homelessness seem like some sort of virus, that we shouldn't go near them because they could hurt us, rob us or lie to us. The way media represents the homelessness mixes with fragile and fear. However in the real life, society always mentions how we shouldn't give someone homeless money because they'll go into the shop and buy tobacco and alcohol, meaning that they won't spend the money on food or essentials like warm items. The advert for salvation army has influenced my work heavily. This is because it was created to raise awareness for homeless people in winter, especially during Christmas time. 

Project Proposal: Client: Stone Pillow Charity

Your name: Regina Marie Soliven

Team members: Jakob Murray, Georgia Street, Luca Nieddu

Date: 20/01/2020


What is your final idea?

We want to create a short video which consists of Nick’s story, which was taken from the stone pillow website. We want to film his story being recreated by one of our actors, and edit it with animation.

How will you depict homelessness?

We would add make up to represent lack of personal hygiene, have old and dirty items next to our actor with old tatty clothes.

How will you communicate Stone Pillow’s work?

We will communicate Stone Pillows work by using the last scene as a promotional part. We’re having our actor look up to see ‘Stone Pillow’ animated sign glowing.

How will this project extend your existing skills?

This project will extend my existing skills as I’m adding animation onto the things I have learnt this past year. I will also be developing my skills for photoshop even more because I’m exploring different features and trying different brushes to mix with my photographs. I am also going to be developing my editing skills on premier pro. Over all, all these things will help me with my final major project.

How long will it last?

50 seconds

Who is the intended audience?

16-18 year olds

How will your idea target the audience?

My idea will target the age group of 16-18 as it contains a mature story with elements of animation. This age group watches TV shows like Rick and Morty and Family Guy, so the animation parts would be appropriate. However this age group would’ve grown up with watching things like Lizzie Mcguire, which consisted of both live action and animation.

How is the idea similar to existing media that the audience already likes?

The idea of incorporating elements which consists of animation is similar to Cole Bennetts work. Since Bennett’s worked with big artists like Juice WRLD and Tyler the creator, it has created a community which enjoys the two (live action and animation) being merged.

What is the project deadline?

14th February 2020

When will shooting be completed?

27th January 2020

When will the edit be completed?

10th February 2020

Work out a budget, to cover paying team member’s £120 per day and costs for equipment.

Name                                         Days                        Pay

Regina M Soliven                          1                          £120

Jakob Murray                                2                          £240

Georgia Street                              2                          £240

Luca Nieddu                                 2                           £240


                      Total spent on Labour


Equipment            How much

Software license     £461

Camera                    £549

Tripod                      £32.99

Premier Pro             £184.56

Photoshop              £92.33



This charity is based in Chichester, they help people who are aged 18+ and they are helping homeless people around Bognor Regis, Chichester and Little Hampton. They don't just cater to the homeless, they also help out with families who don't earn enough, they have day centres and night shelters. 


They're targeting people who are aged 18+ because they have residence starting for that age. However this website has a formal look to it, it consists of different information which is detailed, it has photos of volunteers, works and homeless people. The language used on the website is very formal as they're a serious cause and it helps the audience take the website as a significant cause, as the age group is 18+. The layout of their website is very simple, it's easy to access as they have all the different topics at the top of the page, and they have the text on the left side of the page with images on the right side. 



This is a charity based in England which is focused on homelessness, eviction, repairs and repossession. However for this advert it is mainly focused on homeless children. 


The video was created to raise awareness during Christmas for children who don't have a home. They targeted this for families who are homeless during the winter period. The language used for this advert is sympathetic yet formal. They used this language because it makes the audience feel supportive if they've donated. The style for this video consists of medium shots of children looking into the camera which is very effective as it makes the audience hold eye contact and they can see the sadness in their eyes, the video consists of a narrator talking over the video. This is good as it allows the audience to see the problems visually and hear about it at the same time.



Cole Bennett was born in 14th of May, 1996. He is an American director who specialises in music videos. Bennett originally started Lyrical Lemonade as a blog in high school his mum then convinced him to make videos and start a Youtube channel, he filmed local rappers in Chicago, including Chance the rapper and Bnova. However in 2016 Bennett then received a lot of views and subscribers and his channel started to grow even more. Bennett started working with Soundcloud rappers like Lil Xan, Lil Pump and Lil Skies. He also worked with rappers like Juice WRLD, Blueface and Lil Tecca. All these names helped Bennett's following grow more and more, as the people he worked with promoted his work on all social media platforms. 


I am inspired by his music video "Bandit" as it has sections which are animated in a sketchy way. The animation is on a plain brown background with black outlines which represents the people in the music video. The first part of this music video uses framing by having a plain grey background and a square in the centre consisting a big black border, whilst the music is starting the square zooms up more and then it disappears. This is effective because it makes the audience focus on whats inside the box, and it is Juice WRLD and NBA Youngboy with a mono chrome filter which has some black scribbles around it. The whole clip is slightly flickering giving the whole thing an old TV effect. the lighting in this clip is set at a very high setting as you can see Youngboy's shadow way before he steps into the frame. 

This is a dance video which includes neon line art around the dancers. I want to some how add this onto my work, but maybe without the neon lights as I think that it wouldn't be appropriate. However I like how it follows with the body and how it flows so smoothly. 

Initial ideas for stone pillow advertising campaign


Create a short video which has a voice over of a residents poem or their backstory. This will include animations.


Get someone to act as a homeless person, and get another person to harass them and a third person to come and help.  this will include animations.


Go to a homeless person and give him essentials like a sleeping bag, warm clothes and food and record the whole thing and add texts on top of it containing facts. 


Get someone to act as a homeless person and have a factual video which contains the negative sides of being homeless, how they're vulnerable.

Reflection 13.01.2020

My aims today was to create a short storyboard and shoot a video. This video is only to try out some techniques inspired by Cole Bennett. When my video was transferred from phone to computer, I then used the 'capture' tool and grabbed a photo of jakob that I wanted animated. I then looked up youtube tutorials on how to create a water colour effect on photoshop, I downloaded the brushes and transported it onto my photoshop. I followed the tutorial and this is my outcome. I liked this, however I want to keep the background as it looks more natural, rather than just having jakob in the centre with a plain textured background. As a team, I think we planned our ideas quite well, we decided where to film, what to film and how we should film it. We wrote everything on our storyboards, and this really helped us out as we included what direction our cameras would be going and how the would zoom in or out from the subject. To develop my project even more, I need to continuously follow tutorials on youtube and create them myself using photoshop or premier pro.

jakob 1.png

Lyrical Lemonade

Betrayed - Lil Xan


In this music video, the first part looks as if it was recorded as a vlog, Xan is holding the camera at a low angel. Whilst this is happening there are snippets of a red creature. Then the camera changes into a medium close up shot, this scene is symmetrical as Xan is in the middle of the screen and his background consists of nothing but windows and a wall. At different points of this video there are yellow hearts, which have been animated, falling within Xan's body. In another scene there is an animated ball around him acting as if it's a source of energy.


 Throughout this whole video, Cole Bennett made sure to keep a symmetrical style as it adds a sense of formality. This is also good because Bennett placed Xan in the middle of most of the shots which ments he got the full attention of the audience.  


This would appeal to an audience which is aimed at 16 - 18 year olds because mumble rappers are coming into the music industry quite rapidly. The music video is simple with elements of animation and animation within music videos are currently popular. 


Runaway - Lil Peep


In this music video, Smokeasac has used a range of different drawing elements such as moving characters, highly edited buildings and the skies have doodles like stars and the moon. There is also a lot of textures mixed together like crumpled up paper. There is a lot of symmetry and he uses animation for it by having similar things on both sides whilst mixing it in with real life videos, he mirrors the real life video with elements of animations.


He uses symmetry a lot but his work also consists of framing, this is presented by the animation and the live action footage. The way smokeasac uses these conventions are very creative because he uses them in a way where it could be very obvious, like the symmetrical dogs with a rose in between, or he could use the conventions in a way where they're not too obvious, like framing with the drawings from the start of the video.


This would appeal to the younger audience, 17-19, because Lil peeps whole persona is to reflect on problems teenagers are currently battling with, like drugs and love. This music video would appeal to his audience as it was directed by his Mother shortly after his death. This music video shows his past memories which reflects heavily on his childhood memories, like the drawings - they're from his favourite tv show which he watched with his brother - and they use earlier footage from his life where he was Gus, rather than peep. 


This video consists of a lot of animated elements, like the drawings from his childhood and his tattoos. They chose to animate this video like this because it screams lil peep, which would appeal to younger audience especially his fans because it's a memorial video which celebrates the best parts of his life.

Salvation Army

In from the Cold


•Describe the use of narrative.

•How does it use framing/symmetry/leading line and other conventions.

•Who is the intended audience?

•How does it depict homeless people?


Reflection for 14.01.2020

Today I researched music videos from Lyrical Lemonade and Smokeasac.

I looked into how the video works with animation and how the directors would use symmetry and framing in their work. This is good that I'm getting the grips of different styles from different directors because it means that I can take bits of their work and incorporate it onto mine. I chose the music video 'Runaway' because the director made the music video in a dysfunctional matter. This means that there were a lot of animated characters and drawings everywhere and it made the video messy and unorganised but it still looks great. 


I then started work on photoshop, I explored the watercolour effect even more, instead of cutting the person out the photo and pasting it on a new page, I left the whole thing in and started editing the photo. I forgot how to do it so I had to watch the video again. However, I got taught how to create actions which means that my work would be saved. What I mean is that if I follow another tutorial and I have my actions recorded, I can save the record and then easily apply the filter on another photograph in seconds. This will be really helpful for the future because the photos on the right took ages to edit, and now I can easily apply the same filters with just a couple of clicks.


Today has been productive for the editing side as I learnt new things on photo shop and I can add what I've learnt to my final piece. However I should have taken screenshots of everything to show my progress, next time I need to remember to create a folder full of screenshots so I can easily access them and upload them onto wix. I also need to manage my time by making sure that I split my written work and practical work evenly, because I spent more time on my practical and left little time to do writing.



Create story boards and upload onto Wix

Write a risk assessment 

Continue research

Think of 2 ideas I want to move forward with

Have practice drawings to upload on Wix

jakob 3.png
jakob 2.png
jakob 2.0.png
jakob 2.1.png

I want to use Nick's story because it covers such a happy holiday and makes it almost one of the worst. I want to explore how difficult it is for a homeless man to survive over winter and it's like being homeless at such a big happy celebration. 



"For me being homeless at Christmas was a very dark place. I would see people happy with the joys of Christmas, which made me feel very lonely and sad as I sat in shop doorways trying to keep warm. I was hungry. I was in pain.

I didn’t want to carry on with life.

I missed my family, who didn’t want anything to do with me because of my addiction and the way of life I was leading. Christmas always seemed longer on the streets on my own, I even attempted to be arrested so I could get in to a prison for a while but that didn’t work, so back to the doorways I went.

I came to the Stonepillow Recovery Service to try and rebuild my life. I was given the chance and I took it. I have been here 3 months now and I have already noticed a big change in myself, I attend all the group sessions which are really helpful. I now have most of my family back in my life and I am rebuilding my relationships with them.

Over the weekend we put Christmas decorations up, something I haven’t done in a very long time, I feel part of a community again. I feel happy and content. I can actually say that I am looking forward to Christmas this year with all of my peers at the Recovery Service."


I'm choosing the first idea, my plan is to film the scenes and heavily add animation onto it. I want to add animation onto most of the scenes, this means that I will have a very minimal footage as I can then add a lot of animation on the background or to the actor. I'm going to create all my drawings on Photoshop and animate it on premier pro. This video will be heavily influenced by Lil Peep's memorial video called Runaway. I chose this video as it included live action footage from Peep's tours, his childhood and videos that were recorded from his friends and family. The video also includes a lot of animation, that's not only on peep but within his environment. 


Choose Nick's story and create a short story which includes voice over and an animation. Nick's story is explaining what it was like for him during Christmas, so I could have a darker animation which is his side, and a colourful side which would be Christmas for people who aren't homeless.


Choose Nick's story and create something with subtitles and animation. I would create something which would have animated parts around him and keep him unanimated. I'd have his story written with subtitles and music playing in the background. 

image (1).jpg
image (4).jpg
image (5).jpg
image (3).jpg
image (6).jpg

These are photographs of Jakob in various locations exploring framing, leading line and symmetry. It is also exploring the different shots we want to use for our videos.  




Scene: One

Shot: One

Location: Front of college

Day: Tuesday 20.01.2020

Shot Description: Point of view looking at people walking past being happy. Have natural lighting, around lunch time. Have rule of thirds.

Scene: Two

Shot: One

Location: Sat by a doorway

Day: Tuesday 20.01.2020

Shot Description: Long shot of the actor sat by a doorway. Have dark lighting, maybe a bit of rain. Symmetry and framing.

Scene: Three

Shot: One

Location:  Plain black or white background

Day: Tuesday 20.01.2020

Shot Description: Medium close up, camera's moving around the actors face. Have bright lighting. Rule of thirds.

Scene: Four

Shot: One

Location: Against brick wall with doorway. 

Day: Tuesday 20.01.2020

Shot Description: High angle shot of actor sat in doorway. Make sure lighting is gloomy. Leading line. 

Scene: Five

Shot: One

Location: Brick wall 

Day: Tuesday 20.01.2020

Shot Description: Long angle shot, panning the actor looking up. Make sure to have bright lighting and have leading line.



SITE CONTACT NAME: Chichester college

SITE ADDRESS: Westgate Fields, Chichester, England PO19 1SB, United Kingdom

THREE WORDS: ///wisely.desire.curry

CONTACT TELEPHONE: (+44) (0)1243 786 321

LOCATION DETAIL: Front of college, where students are walking past the actor.

SAFETY ISSUES: Cars driving past, this could hit the actor and the film crew. To overcome this problem we must film on the pavements, far away from cars. We must also be aware of our surroundings.

image (1).jpg


SITE CONTACT NAME: Chichester college

SITE ADDRESS: Westgate Fields, Chichester, England PO19 1SB, United Kingdom

THREE WORDS: ///wisely.desire.curry

CONTACT TELEPHONE: (+44) (0)1243 786 321

LOCATION DETAIL: Bungalow in college, where the door looks run down and the walls have posters which are peeling.

SAFETY ISSUES: The frame is old, so this means we have to be careful when going under it as it could collapse 

image (4).jpg


SITE CONTACT NAME: Chichester college

SITE ADDRESS: Westgate Fields, Chichester, England PO19 1SB, United Kingdom

THREE WORDS:///wisely.desire.curry

CONTACT TELEPHONE: (+44) (0)1243 786 321

LOCATION DETAIL: Plain white wall in college. It needs to be a bold bright white.

SAFETY ISSUES: Equipment could be on the floor and moving around must be careful as the actor or recorder could trip.

image (2).jpg


SITE CONTACT NAME: Chichester college

SITE ADDRESS: Westgate Fields, Chichester, England PO19 1SB, United Kingdom

THREE WORDS: ///wisely.desire.curry

CONTACT TELEPHONE: (+44) (0)1243 786 321

LOCATION DETAIL: Brickwall with doorway, needs to look quite run down.

SAFETY ISSUES: this particular part of college has asbestos, so to overcome this problem we need to work quickly but carefully. 

image (3).jpg


SITE CONTACT NAME: Chichester college

SITE ADDRESS: Westgate Fields, Chichester, England PO19 1SB, United Kingdom 

THREE WORDS: ///wisely.desire.curry

CONTACT TELEPHONE: (+44) (0)1243 786 321

LOCATION DETAIL: Plain Brickwall, with nothing obstructing the view. 

SAFETY ISSUES: This is quite an old building, so we have to be careful moving around because the building could be fragile. 


Reflection 21.01.2020

Today we recorded our promotional video and started our editing. However Jakob was uncomfortable filming in front of college with make up on so we decided to change one of the scenes to just be at the back of the college. Once everything was recorded, I then transferred the videos from the camera to the computer. This is where I started editing the videos, by taking screenshots of the footage and taking them over to Photoshop. I started off by drawing small creatures that I wanted to circulate Jakobs body. This turned out well as there is a sketchy, messy effect to it. I created two versions of the creatures because I want them to be animated and by creating two versions with one slightly altered, it creates a moving animation. I don't think today went well, because I didn't plan what I wanted to create today. I just explored different things today, which is good but it doesn't help me with my time keeping. For next lesson, I need to create a list of things I want to draw and a list of things I need to look at like tutorials on youtube. Making these lists will benefit me for my next lesson because it will take me to the next step and apply it onto my edit. 


I think I might have to re-shoot the point of view scene, however I'm going to edit both of them so I can see which one looks the best and is the most appropriate for my video. Although, everything else is great and I'm happy with the outcomes. I could also 

potentially create 2 final outcomes exploring different techniques and effects which will be good. The first video could have lots of animated elements, it could go in the background or around Jakob. The second video could include my watercolour effects and simplistic line arts. 

These are examples of things I want to incorporate for one of the scenes in my video, this is because I want it to represent how Nick's life is easily manipulated by the negatives, however he's still remembering what's important to him. 

moodboard 2.jpg

Tutorial one,

This is my first tutorial for my final piece. I need it for my final scene as i want to create a neon sign in the last scene which says 'Stone Pillow'. However this tutorial requires me to download different plug in's like ecto. The guy who created the tutorial explained that if I wanted the plugin, I had to follow him on instagram and message him, this is how it turned out:

tutorial 1.png
screenshot instagram chat.png

Tutorial two,

This is my second tutorial. I like this one more than the first one as it is more accessible than the premier pro. Unlike premier pro, this effect is already built onto the software meaning you don't have to get extra plugins for the software. This effect will be on after effects which means I will have to transfer the clip I want to animate onto after effects and then move it back onto premier pro. 

tutorial 2.png
sound problem.png

I recorded the voice over and transfered it onto audition so I could edit the levels of the sound. However when I finished I didn't know how to save the file as just an .mp3 file. I asked my lecturer, however Audition isn't his strongest point so he told me to watch a youtube video which will explain how to do it. I googled it and then i found my solution:

plan on drip.jpg
drip problem.png

I decided I wanted to create this drip effect, because it added a cool element. However I started it on a black background and then I realised I still want it to show the footage as the colours drip. So to overcome this problem, I had to delete every single black stroke I created and make sure that the fps for the drip was edited to be something faster. My outcome looks really good and I'm glad I overcame this problem. 

Reflection for 27.01.2020

Today I created two mood boards which consists of things I want to draw for my final video. By creating these mood boards it allows me to see what things work together, this allows me to remove certain elements if I don't like how it looks. I also think these mood boards will give me a step up in what I want to draw on Photoshop. Rather than starting from a blank page, I could look at these mood boards for inspiration. 

I also looked at tutorials today, just on how to create moving signs and to animate them. I looked at two tutorials, however I've chosen to use the second one because it's easier to access and everything is already available. When I create the animation, I'll have to transfer the footage from premier pro to after effects and then transfer it through back onto premier pro. This is going to be a long process, but it'll be worth it because I won't have to keep downloading different compartments onto the software's. 

I have also created a short plan for me to follow through as I want my work to be the best it can be. By creating this table, I could keep an eye on what I've done and what I still need to finish. The plan will keep my work organised and it'll keep me on track. 

This is my first video which was edited on premier pro, I added an overlay which adds a rough texture onto some of the frames. The overlay I got was too quick, so I decided to make it slower, so it was consistent though out the video. 


I then made sure I cut out unwanted footage and exported it onto after effects. I thought I was only going to be using after effects for the drawn elements, however I really like the software so I decided to finish the whole video on there. 


The second video is only 7 second's long, however it includes the outlines on the actors. I did this because I wanted there to be a constant sketchy feeling throughout the video. I decided on this art style because this is what I'm used to doing and I like the texture it adds to the piece. 

Research into Film making:

My key influences in media would be Cole Bennett, this is because I love his work and what he creates, the composition in his music videos are really effective and interesting. I have only used inspiration from Cole Bennett and Smokeasac, and you can clearly see it in my work because I plan on having it covered in drawings which will look busy however that's how I want it to look. I have used symmetry and framing a lot for my work, I chose these two because I think college has a lot of locations which are symmetrical, which means it's accessible. I also used framing because there are a lot of doorways and if I found the perfect one, I could easily film a lot there. My editing will be inspired by psychedelic highs, I don't like the transitions already on the software, so I have decided to draw my transitions which sold be interesting, as it has already brought problems onto my work, however they were just minor problems which were easy to fix. I will be using voice over for my work, which means I will have to create a script and record the voices in a quiet room. 

Plan for 30.01.2020

I need to continue finishing up my work

I need to start more drawings to be animated.

Plan for 04.02.2020

-Add the drawings onto wix and explain why I chose these drawings

-Continue on final piece

-Finish annotating

The drawings, shown below, they are from my final video. I created three different photos which are in the same category, travel, flowers, house, alcohol, drugs and smoking. These all represent different things. 

Travel- Receiving letters or gifts from family members and taking photographs together

Flowers- Representing love

House- Representing a safe place to be in during the day and evening.

alcohol, drugs and smoking- Represents the addiction Nick has to fight with

I decided to draw these things because I wanted to do something which was different, rather than having pictures or words across the screen, I wanted something animated which fits the theme of my work which was: Sketching drawings.


There are three drawings because when it was going to be animated on after effects, it needed to cycle through similar but different drawings to create an effect that it's a constantly looping image. I did this by making two different composition which had to be layered each time all at different speed. 

rose 3.png
rose 2.png
rose 1.png
alcohol 2.png
drugs 1.png
smoking 3.png
drugs 3.png
alcohol 1.png
alcohol 3.png
drugs 2.png
smoking 1.png
smoking 2.png

Processes I've used:


I started off on premier pro, adding overlays onto my work which I had to change the blend mode for, like 'lighten'. I did this because it got rid of the black background and kept the white effect. I then decided to slow down the duration because I didn't want it to be too quick, I wanted it to be slow and subtle. 


I then moved onto after effects and started using the paint brush tool, which means I got to decide how long I wanted the effect to last for by altering the 'fps' option. I also created all of the paint effect on the same composition, which means that my options would look more neater. 


I also used photoshop. By using photoshop it allows me to have more creative control on my drawings as it has useful tools like the select tool. This allowed me to create something and not worry about the size as it could easily be changed. 


I then moved back onto after effects to animate my drawings. I did this by creating a composition which would cycle through the drawings, as if they were looping. I then used the puppet tool to make my drawings come to like. By adding an element of movement onto my ghosts, it helped it move around the screen in a natural way. 



Planning for 10.02.2020

-I need to continue editing my second video which will take me 30 minutes

-I need to complete my final evaluation which will take me 2 hours to complete. I've given myself two hours to complete the evaluation because I want to go into detail with it.

-Overall, this week I need to focus on my final evaluation and add some minor things onto my wix, like photographs.

For my second video, I decided to create this heavily edited video which consisted of overlapping different textured overlays, which were found from Youtube. I downloaded links which were listed below in the description, by getting these overlays I was able to create a scratchy textured view. I got inspiration from, my lecturer showed me this video thinking that the style of animation fits with mine  

Final Evaluation:


•How effectively did you use planning to support the project?


I made sure to have a lot of visual planning which could be seen on my website. I made sure to effectively use mood boards, story boards and location recce's. I created mood boards to help me start off the fundamentals of my video, I wanted to visually see what I was going to include in my video and by creating these mood boards it lead me to drawing them onto photoshop. The story boards helped me see what the scenes would roughly look like which meant that I could alter some sections if I thought it's out of place or if i thought that it was too complicated.


•How effectively did you use ongoing reflection to identify areas that require improvement?


For reflection 21.01.2020, I mentioned how I wanted to re-shoot a scene and put it side by side. However I just stayed with my first footage and edited it to the point where I didn't have to re-record anything else. I think, if I did record that second footage, I would have different options to choose from, I could've even mixed the two clips and alternate from each other.

For reflection 27.01.2020, I mentioned how I wanted to move from after effects to premier pro, constantly. However I decided to just stay on after effects, because I learnt how to create a lot of things on after effects, like the hand drawn animations ( I did that by constantly creating a cycle which would create an on going 'loop').


•How effectively have you researched the audience’s media usage?


I researched music videos which are directed by Cole Bennett, this helped me understand that the audience I was targeting my work at would be interested in the elements he would add in his videos, such as animation. 


•How did your research help you to target the audience?


By researching different music videos and how they're created I manage to choose an age group of 16-18, 


•What audience feedback did you receive? How did this help you develop the product?




•How have you been influenced by existing media products and promos?




•Which editing techniques and processes have you used? What was most successful? Which aspects can be improved? How?




•How did you use compositional, structural and narrative conventions? How can this be improved?




•How has the project let you develop new professional skills for industry? (technical, aesthetic, working to a client’s brief, targeting an audience, meeting deadlines, professional communication).




©2023 by Regina Marie Soliven. Proudly created with

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