For my own take on creating a creative media piece for Pallant House will consist of a short video exploring the different rooms and the different expedition they're currently holding.
I want to create a sixty second video with music from the group BROCKHAMPTON. I chose this group as they create music falling in the category of alternative hip hop. I think their song 'SUGAR' would be perfect for my work. I also want my video to be jumping to the beat of the song because I think it'll create a satisfying outcome if everything is synced up. However I will be creating a second video with a different song from an artist called 'blackbear' this is because I want Pallant house to have two options to choose from, I want to create an upbeat video along side a calm one. Which means these videos will be appropriate for ages from 16-19.
I will be using premier pro to edit the footage and add effects onto it. I'll be researching different techniques I could potentially use for the final video.
Production Schedule: Log of hours worked outside of class:
Shoot at gallery on iPhones 20/01/2020-24/01/2020 NA
Initial ideas, research 27/01/2020-30/01/2020
Start creating video 03/02/2020- 07/02/2020
Final week for finishing up the video. 10/02/2020 – 14/02/2020
Presenting to Holly 24/02/2020
Total hours:
My first problem, 25.01.2020
The music I've chosen for my work wouldn't be available as it's copy righted from the creators. To overcome this problem I have asked my friend, who study music in university, to create a short track for me, which will consists of beats that'll match up to my footage.